Holidays Abroad: Car Rental Or Still Public Transport?

A holiday abroad is an exciting prospect, full of the promise of new adventures and unforgettable experiences. When travelers plan their stay in foreign countries, the main question often arises: to rent a car or use public transport? Choosing between the convenience of a private car and the appeal of exploring cities and landscapes by public transport is a decision that can significantly affect the nature of your holiday.

Let’s give you a small example: you flew to Dubai and want to explore the city from all sides (that is, you will only need to drive on city roads), then you need the most ordinary car (it could be a luxury car like a Ferrari or a regular Smart if you suddenly you are traveling together). If you want to explore the deserts in addition, then it’s better to rent an SUV. Fortunately, there are many rental companies in Dubai, but you should choose a company wisely; we advise you to turn to Renty for help. This company has been successfully occupying top positions among the top rental companies in Dubai for several years. their managers can help you to rent supercar Dubai like a Porsche Boxster or SUV like Nissan Patrol.

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Bild von Артем Кузнецов auf Pixabay

Moreover, you can rent a car right in the Dubai Airport. Even though it is located in close proximity to the city, in order to get to the center, you will have to pay a considerable amount by ordering a taxi, as is usually the case near airports. To save you time and money, we advise you to book your car in advance.

Car rental 

The content of our article should help you make a choice for your trip: choose to rent a car or still stick to standard travel by public transport.

Let’s first describe to you the advantages of renting a car when traveling:

  • Renting a car as a way to save your time – you’ve probably already heard about this fact. Thanks to the car, you can compactly plan your day (for example, leaving at 9 am, one attraction, the second… the tenth, between this compactly fit lunch or dinner in a restaurant into your schedule). Also, thanks to the car, you are not tied to the tourist bus schedule or the schedule of city buses or trains.
  • Saving money is also one of the well-known facts. You can rent different cars every day, it won’t be cheaper, but there is a way out – renting a car for a longer period of time. Thanks to renting a car for, for example, a week, the total amount may not seem small, but if you calculate the rental day from this amount, it will be cheaper than if you changed cars, for example, every three days.
  • But of course, comfort is probably the most important component. No matter the time of year, you’ll be grateful to have a rented car to drive. If it’s winter, then you turn on the stove and get to your destination warmly. If it’s summer, turn on the air conditioning and drive in a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Renting a car can be a sign of prestige when getting it for business meetings while having a trip. By turning to prestige car rental you may get awesome Rolls Royce to fascinate your business partners, and this won’t ruin you financially.

Public transport

A common opinion among people is that tourists who travel by bus are poor or thrifty tourists.

Of course, it all depends on the country or city in which you are planning to spend your vacation. For example, Luxembourg became the first country in the world to make public transport free for everyone. Here, of course, you can opt for public transport, however, if you have limited time for sightseeing, then you will need to plan your vacation very well.

On the other hand, some cities are so large that you have to get from one place to another with several transfers, and this is:

  • High expenses;
  • A big waste of time.

Wrap up!

There are advantages to both renting a car and public transport, but sometimes, by choosing public transport because it is cheaper, we sacrifice our time. Therefore, our choice is to rent a car. We hope our article will help you decide.